
Syntax: gzip_comp_level level; Default: gzip_comp_level 1; Context: http, server, location Sets a gzip compression level of a response. Acceptable values are in the range from 1 to 9.


Syntax: gzip_disable regex ...; Default: — Context: http, server, location This directive appeared in version 0.6.23. Disables gzipping of responses for requests with “User-Agent” header fields matching any of the specified regular expressions. The special mask “msie6” (0.7.12) corresponds to the regular expression “MSIE [4-6]\.”, but works faster. Starting from version 0.8.11, “MSIE 6.0; ... SV1” is excluded from this mask.


Syntax: gunzip_buffers number size; Default: gunzip_buffers 32 4k|16 8k; Context: http, server, location Sets the number and size of buffers used to decompress a response. By default, the buffer size is equal to one memory page. This is either 4K or 8K, depending on a platform.


Syntax: gzip_buffers number size; Default: gzip_buffers 32 4k|16 8k; Context: http, server, location Sets the number and size of buffers used to compress a response. By default, the buffer size is equal to one memory page. This is either 4K or 8K, depending on a platform. Until version 0.7.28, four 4K or 8K buffers were used by default.


Syntax: gzip on | off; Default: gzip off; Context: http, server, location, if in location Enables or disables gzipping of responses.


Syntax: google_perftools_profiles file; Default: — Context: main Sets a file name that keeps profiling information of nginx worker process. The ID of the worker process is always a part of the file name and is appended to the end of the file name, after a dot.


Syntax: geoip_proxy_recursive on | off; Default: geoip_proxy_recursive off; Context: http This directive appeared in versions 1.3.0 and 1.2.1. If recursive search is disabled then instead of the original client address that matches one of the trusted addresses, the last address sent in “X-Forwarded-For” will be used. If recursive search is enabled then instead of the original client address that matches one of the trusted addresses, the last non-trusted address sent in “X-Forward


Syntax: gunzip on | off; Default: gunzip off; Context: http, server, location Enables or disables decompression of gzipped responses for clients that lack gzip support. If enabled, the following directives are also taken into account when determining if clients support gzip: gzip_http_version, gzip_proxied, and gzip_disable. See also the gzip_vary directive.


Syntax: geoip_proxy address | CIDR; Default: — Context: http This directive appeared in versions 1.3.0 and 1.2.1. Defines trusted addresses. When a request comes from a trusted address, an address from the “X-Forwarded-For” request header field will be used instead.


Syntax: geoip_org file; Default: — Context: http This directive appeared in version 1.0.3. Specifies a database used to determine the organization depending on the client IP address. The following variable is available when using this database: $geoip_org organization name, for example, “The University of Melbourne”.