
table.concat (list [, sep [, i [, j]]]) Given a list where all elements are strings or numbers, returns the string list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]. The default value for sep is the empty string, the default for i is 1, and the default for j is #list. If i is greater than j, returns the empty string.

Table Constructors

3.4.9 – Table Constructors Table constructors are expressions that create tables. Every time a constructor is evaluated, a new table is created. A constructor can be used to create an empty table or to create a table and initialize some of its fields. The general syntax for constructors is tableconstructor ::= ‘{’ [fieldlist] ‘}’ fieldlist ::= field {fieldsep field} [fieldsep] field ::= ‘[’ exp ‘]’ ‘=’ exp | Name ‘=’ exp | exp fieldsep ::= ‘,’ | ‘;’ Each field of the form [exp1] = exp2 adds


string.upper (s)


string.unpack (fmt, s [, pos]) Returns the values packed in string s (see string.pack) according to the format string fmt (see §6.4.2). An optional pos marks where to start reading in s (default is 1). After the read values, this function also returns the index of the first unread byte in s.


string.sub (s, i [, j])sijijjstring.sub(s,1,j)sjstring.sub(s, -i)isi If, after the translation of negative indices, i is less than 1, it is corrected to 1. If j is greater than the string length, it is corrected to that length. If, after these corrections, i is greater than j, the function returns the empty string.


string.reverse (s)s


string.rep (s, n [, sep])nssepsepn (Note that it is very easy to exhaust the memory of your machine with a single call to this function.)


string.packsize (fmt) Returns the size of a string resulting from string.pack with the given format. The format string cannot have the variable-length options 's' or 'z' (see §6.4.2).


string.pack (fmt, v1, v2, ···) Returns a binary string containing the values v1, v2, etc. packed (that is, serialized in binary form) according to the format string fmt (see §6.4.2).


string.match (s, pattern [, init])matchpattern§6.4.1smatchnilpatterninit