pagebeforeload event

Triggered before any load request is made. Note: The triggering of this event is deprecated as of jQuery Mobile 1.4.0. It will no longer be triggered in 1.6.0. The replacement for pagebeforeload is the pagecontainer widget's pagecontainerbeforeload event. In jQuery Mobile 1.4.0, the two events are identical except for their name and the fact that pagecontainerbeforeload is triggered on the pagecontainer, whereas pagebeforeload is triggered on

pagebeforecreate event

Triggered on the page being initialized, before most plugin auto-initialization occurs. Note: This event is part of the page widget as of jQuery Mobile 1.4.0. Please consult the documentation for the page widget's implementation. jQuery( ".selector" ).on( "pagebeforecreate", function( event ) { ... } )

pagebeforehide event

Triggered on the "fromPage" we are transitioning away from, before the actual transition animation is kicked off. Note: The triggering of this event is deprecated as of jQuery Mobile 1.4.0. It will no longer be triggered in 1.6.0. The replacement for pagebeforehide is the pagecontainer widget's pagecontainerbeforehide event. In jQuery Mobile 1.4.0, the two events are identical except for their name and the fact that pagecontainerbeforehide is

pagebeforechange event

Triggered twice during the page change cyle: First prior to any page loading or transition and next after page loading completes successfully, but before the browser history has been modified by the navigation process. When received with data.toPage set to a string, the event indicates that navigation is about to commence. The value stored in data.toPage is the URL of the page that will be loaded. When received with data.toPage set to a jQuery

orientationchange event

Device portrait/landscape orientation event The jQuery Mobile orientationchange event triggers when a device orientation changes, either by turning the device vertically or horizontally. When bound to this event the callback function has the event object. The event object contains an orientation property equal to either "portrait" or "landscape". Note that we bind to the browser's resize event when orientationchange is not natively supported or


Handles the task of displaying the loading dialog when jQuery Mobile pulls in content via Ajax. The Loader Widget The loader widget handles the task of displaying the loading dialog when jQuery Mobile pulls in content via Ajax. It can also be displayed manually for custom loading actions using the $.mobile.loading helper method (See the global method docs). To configure the loading dialog globally the following settings can be defined on its pr

Utility method for parsing a URL and its relative variants into an object that makes accessing the components of the URL easy. Utility method for parsing a URL and its relative variants into an object that makes accessing the components of the URL easy. When parsing relative variants, the resulting object will contain empty string values for missing components (like protocol, host, etc). Also, when parsing URLs that have no authority, such as t

navigate event

A wrapper event for both hashchange and popstate The navigate event is a wrapper around both the hashchange and popstate events. In addition to providing a single event for all browsers it also provides a data object in both cases allowing for the unification of handlers. This feature is used by the $.mobile.navigate method to include directionality and URL information.


Creates a listview widget Basic linked lists A listview is coded as a simple unordered list containing linked list items with a data-role="listview" attribute. jQuery Mobile will apply all the necessary styles to transform the list into a mobile-friendly listview with right arrow indicator that fills the full width of the browser window. When you tap on the list item, the framework will trigger a click on the first link inside the list item, is


Creates a navbar widget Simple navbar jQuery Mobile has a very basic navbar widget that is useful for providing up to 5 buttons with optional icons in a bar, typically within a header or footer. There is also a persistent navbar variation that works more like a tab bar that stays fixed as you navigate across pages. A navbar is coded as an unordered list of links wrapped in a container element that has the data-role="navbar" attribute. This is a