
Register a handler to be called when Ajax requests complete with an error. This is an Ajax Event. Whenever an Ajax request completes with an error, jQuery triggers the ajaxError event. Any and all handlers that have been registered with the .ajaxError() method are executed at this time. Note: This handler is not called for cross-domain script and cross-domain JSONP requests. To observe this method in action, set up a basic Ajax load request. <butto


Attach a function to be executed before an Ajax request is sent. This is an Ajax Event. Whenever an Ajax request is about to be sent, jQuery triggers the ajaxSend event. Any and all handlers that have been registered with the .ajaxSend() method are executed at this time. To observe this method in action, set up a basic Ajax load request: <div class="trigger">Trigger</div> <div class="result"></div> <div class="log"></d


Register a handler to be called when all Ajax requests have completed. This is an Ajax Event. Whenever an Ajax request completes, jQuery checks whether there are any other outstanding Ajax requests. If none remain, jQuery triggers the ajaxStop event. Any and all handlers that have been registered with the .ajaxStop() method are executed at this time. The ajaxStop event is also triggered if the last outstanding Ajax request is cancelled by returning fa


Add the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set. Note: This function has been deprecated and is now an alias for .addBack(), which should be used with jQuery 1.8 and later. As described in the discussion for .end(), jQuery objects maintain an internal stack that keeps track of changes to the matched set of elements. When one of the DOM traversal methods is called, the new set of elements is pushed onto the stack. If the previous set o


Register a handler to be called when Ajax requests complete. This is an AjaxEvent. Whenever an Ajax request completes, jQuery triggers the ajaxComplete event. Any and all handlers that have been registered with the .ajaxComplete() method are executed at this time. To observe this method in action, set up a basic Ajax load request: <div class="trigger">Trigger</div> <div class="result"></div> <div class="log"></div>


Register a handler to be called when the first Ajax request begins. This is an Ajax Event. Whenever an Ajax request is about to be sent, jQuery checks whether there are any other outstanding Ajax requests. If none are in progress, jQuery triggers the ajaxStart event. Any and all handlers that have been registered with the .ajaxStart() method are executed at this time. To observe this method in action, set up a basic Ajax load request: <div class="t


Add the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set, optionally filtered by a selector. As described in the discussion for .end(), jQuery objects maintain an internal stack that keeps track of changes to the matched set of elements. When one of the DOM traversal methods is called, the new set of elements is pushed onto the stack. If the previous set of elements is desired as well, .addBack() can help. Consider a page with a simple list on


Insert every element in the set of matched elements to the end of the target. The .append() and .appendTo() methods perform the same task. The major difference is in the syntax-specifically, in the placement of the content and target. With .append(), the selector expression preceding the method is the container into which the content is inserted. With .appendTo(), on the other hand, the content precedes the method, either as a selector expression or a


Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the end of each element in the set of matched elements. The .append() method inserts the specified content as the last child of each element in the jQuery collection (To insert it as the first child, use .prepend()). The .append() and .appendTo() methods perform the same task. The major difference is in the syntax-specifically, in the placement of the content and target. With .append(), the selector expr

All selector (“*”)

Selects all elements. Caution: The all, or universal, selector is extremely slow, except when used by itself. jQuery( "*" ) version added: 1.0 Examples: Find every element (including head, body, etc) in the document. Note that if your browser has an extension/add-on enabled that inserts a &l