
classType : Object The type of objects that will be created when using create or createMultiple. Any object may be used but it should extend either Sprite or Image and accept the same constructor arguments:when a new object is created it is passed the following parameters to its constructor: (game, x, y, key, frame). Inherited From Phaser.Group#classType Default Value Phaser.Sprite Source code: core/Group.js (Line 130)


[readonly] children : Array.<DisplayObject> [read-only] The array of children of this container. Type Array.<DisplayObject> Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#children Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 17)


checkProperty(child, key, value, force) → {boolean} Checks a property for the given value on the child. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description child any The child to check the property value on. key array An array of strings that make up the property that will be set. value any The value that will be checked. force boolean <optional> false If force is true then the property will be checked on the child regardless if it already exists or not. If true an


checkAll(key, value, checkAlive, checkVisible, force) Quickly check that the same property across all children of this group is equal to the given value. This call doesn't descend down children, so if you have a Group inside of this group, the property will be checked on the group but not its children. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description key string The property, as a string, to be set. For example: 'body.velocity.x' value any The value that will be checked. checkAli


[readonly] centerY : number Gets the Y position corresponding to the center point of the world. Source code: core/World.js (Line 306)


[readonly] centerX : number Gets the X position corresponding to the center point of the world. Source code: core/World.js (Line 293)


cameraOffset : Phaser.Point If this object is fixedToCamera then this stores the x/y position offset relative to the top-left of the camera view.If the parent of this Group is also fixedToCamera then the offset here is in addition to that and should typically be disabled. Inherited From Phaser.Group#cameraOffset Source code: core/Group.js (Line 272)


camera : Phaser.Camera Camera instance. Source code: core/World.js (Line 35)


callAllExists(callback, existsValue, parameter) Calls a function, specified by name, on all children in the group who exist (or do not exist). After the existsValue parameter you can add as many parameters as you like, which will all be passed to the child callback. Parameters Name Type Argument Description callback string Name of the function on the children to call. existsValue boolean Only children with exists=existsValue will be called. parameter any <repeatable> Additio


callAll(method, context, args) Calls a function, specified by name, on all on children. The function is called for all children regardless if they are dead or alive (see callAllExists for different options).After the method parameter and context you can add as many extra parameters as you like, which will all be passed to the child. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description method string Name of the function on the child to call. Deep property lookup is supported. context stri