dbm.to_a â array Instance Public methods Converts the contents of the database to an array of [key, value] arrays, and returns it.
dbm.to_hash â hash Instance Public methods Converts the contents of the database to an in-memory Hash object, and returns it.
dbm.update(obj) Instance Public methods Updates the database with multiple values from the specified object. Takes any object which implements the #each_pair method, including Hash and DBM objects.
dbm.has_value?(value) â boolean Instance Public methods Returns true if the database contains the specified string value, false otherwise.
dbm.values â array Instance Public methods Returns an array of all the string values in the database.
dbm.values_at(key, ...) â Array Instance Public methods Returns an array containing the values associated with the given keys.
break_points() Class Public methods Returns the list of break points where execution will be stopped. See DEBUGGER__ for more useage
context(thread=Thread.current) Class Public methods
debug_thread_info(input, binding) Class Public methods
display() Class Public methods Returns the display expression list See DEBUGGER__ for more usage
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