thread_list_all() Class Public methods
waiting() Class Public methods Returns the list of waiting threads. When stepping through the traces of a function, thread gets suspended, to be resumed later.
new(obj) Class Public methods Pass in the obj to delegate method calls to. All methods supported by obj will be delegated to.
!() Instance Public methods Delegates ! to the _getobj_
!=(obj) Instance Public methods Returns true if two objects are not considered of equal value.
==(obj) Instance Public methods Returns true if two objects are considered of equal value.
__getobj__() Instance Public methods This method must be overridden by subclasses and should return the object method calls are being delegated to.
__setobj__(obj) Instance Public methods This method must be overridden by subclasses and change the object delegate to obj.
freeze Instance Public methods Freeze both the object returned by _getobj_ and self.
marshal_dump() Instance Public methods Serialization support for the object returned by _getobj_.
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