
totalElapsedSeconds() → {number} The number of seconds that have elapsed since the game was started. Returns number - The number of seconds that have elapsed since the game was started. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 550)


new Time(game) This is the core internal game clock. It manages the elapsed time and calculation of elapsed values, used for game object motion and tweens,and also handles the standard Timer pool. To create a general timed event, use the master Phaser.Timer accessible through events. There are different types of time in Phaser: Game time always runs at the speed of time in real life. Unlike wall-clock time, game time stops when Phaser is paused. Game time is used for timer events. Physics


suggestedFps : number The suggested frame rate for your game, based on an averaged real frame rate.This value is only populated if Time.advancedTiming is enabled. Note: This is not available until after a few frames have passed; until thenit's set to the same value as desiredFps. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 149)


slowMotion : number Scaling factor to make the game move smoothly in slow motion 1.0 = normal speed 2.0 = half speed Default Value 1 Source code: time/Time.js (Line 158)


reset() Resets the private _started value to now and removes all currently running Timers. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 582)


removeAll() Remove all Timer objects, regardless of their state and clears all Timers from the events timer. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 342)


refresh() Refreshes the Time.time and Time.elapsedMS properties from the system clock. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 360)


physicsElapsedMS : number The physics update delta, in milliseconds - equivalent to physicsElapsed * 1000. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 119)


physicsElapsed : number The physics update delta, in fractional seconds. This should be used as an applicable multiplier by all logic update steps (eg. preUpdate/postUpdate/update)to ensure consistent game timing. Game/logic timing can drift from real-world time if the systemis unable to consistently maintain the desired FPS. With fixed-step updates this is normally equivalent to 1.0 / desiredFps. Source code: time/Time.js (Line 112)


pauseDuration : number Records how long the game was last paused, in milliseconds.(This is not updated until the game is resumed.) Source code: time/Time.js (Line 227)