
contains(child) → {Boolean} Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the DisplayObjectContainer instance or the instance itself. Parameters Name Type Description child DisplayObject - Returns Boolean - Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#contains Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 449)


[readonly] children : Array.<DisplayObject> [read-only] The array of children of this container. Type Array.<DisplayObject> Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#children Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 17)


checkVisibility() Starts a page visibility event listener running, or window.onpagehide/onpageshow if not supported by the browser.Also listens for window.onblur and window.onfocus. Source code: core/Stage.js (Line 221)


backgroundColor : number | string Gets and sets the background color of the stage. The color can be given as a number: 0xff0000 or a hex string: '#ff0000' Type number | string Source code: core/Stage.js (Line 366)


addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject} Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown Parameters Name Type Description child DisplayObject The child to add index Number The index to place the child in Returns DisplayObject - The child that was added. Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#addChildAt Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 55)


addChild(child) → {DisplayObject} Adds a child to the container. Parameters Name Type Description child DisplayObject The DisplayObject to add to the container Returns DisplayObject - The child that was added. Inherited From PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer#addChild Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js (Line 42)


[readonly] z : integer The z-depth value of this object within its parent container/Group - the World is a Group as well.This value must be unique for each child in a Group. Inherited From Phaser.Group#z Source code: core/Group.js (Line 57)


y : number The y coordinate of the group container. You can adjust the group container itself by modifying its coordinates.This will have no impact on the x/y coordinates of its children, but it will update their worldTransform and on-screen position. Inherited From Phaser.Group#y Source code: core/Group.js (Line 2978)


xy(index, x, y) Positions the child found at the given index within this group to the given x and y coordinates. Parameters Name Type Description index integer The index of the child in the group to set the position of. x number The new x position of the child. y number The new y position of the child. Inherited From Phaser.Group#xy Source code: core/Group.js (Line 993)


x : number The x coordinate of the group container. You can adjust the group container itself by modifying its coordinates.This will have no impact on the x/y coordinates of its children, but it will update their worldTransform and on-screen position. Inherited From Phaser.Group#x Source code: core/Group.js (Line 2969)