Nicescroll - jQuery plugin for a better scroll on desktop and mobile device

Nicescroll is an easy-to-use solution to have a custom scrollbars compatble with destkop, tablet and phone devices. It supports DIVs, IFrames, textarea, and document page (body) scrollbars.   Nicescroll - Features: simple installation and activation, it works with NO modification of your code. very stylish scrollbars, with no occupation on your window (original browser scrollbars need some of page space and reduces window/div usable width) you can style main document scrollbar (body) too!! 

jQuery Marquee - jQuery plugin to scroll the text

jQuery Marquee is a jQuery plugin to scroll the text like the old traditional marquee.  

Wallpaper - A jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling image and video backgrounds

Wallpaper is a jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling image and video backgrounds.  

toastr - Simple javascript toast notifications

toastr is a Javascript library for non-blocking notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended.  

ScrollStory - A jQuery UI widget for building simple, scroll-based pages and interactions

ScrollStory is a jQuery UI widget for building simple, scroll-based pages and interactions. Key features include: 100% style agnostic. Just a collection of often-used scroll-based patterns. Use existing DOM, or use an array of objects to create markup. 16+ jQueryUI-style events/callbacks for various application state events. Focus and blur event when an individual story becomes active or inactive. Items can be grouped into categories, with event dispatched as categories change. Items fil

jQuery-ui-pic - creates simple classes for jQuery UI icons

jQuery-ui-pic creates simple classes for jQuery UI icons. They mirror the jQuery UI ui-icon classes but are simpler and can be used without additional jQuery UI stylesheets. - Pin any element within a container is great for pinned navigations and anything you want to stick. It pins any element within a container. Easily disable it for smaller screen-sizes where there's no room for that kind of shenanigans.    

Smooth Scroll jQuery Plugin - Automatically make same-page links scroll smoothly

Smooth Scroll jQuery Plugin automatically makes same-page links scroll smoothly.   $.fn.smoothScroll: Allows for easy implementation of smooth scrolling for same-page links. Works like this: $('a').smoothScroll(); Specify a containing element if you want: $('#container a').smoothScroll(); Exclude links if they are within a containing element: $('#container a').smoothScroll({excludeWithin: ['.container2']}); Exclude links if they match certain conditions: $('a').smoothScroll({exclude: ['.r

Flow Slider - a jQuery thumbnail slider plugin

Flow Slider is a JavaScript thumbnail slider. It is customizable, skinnable, fashionable, and looks great on every site. This slider plugin is made to enhance user experience. It lets your users navigate faster and more intuitively. It picks all content of some element and enables you to slide it. You don't need to be a master programmer to use it but you surely can create master user experience by using it.   Flow Slider - Features: Lets you slide your HTML content as you always dreamed to.

JavaScript Kinetic Scrolling

JavaScript Kinetic Scrolling is a javascript scrolling plugin that supports touch and drag scrolling, horizontal swipe and snapping to grid.