$this seeCredentials(array $credentials, string|null $guard = null) Assert
$this dontSeeText(string $text) Assert that a given string is not seen
$this seeInElement(string $element, string $text, bool $negate = false) Assert
void assertSessionHas(string|array $key, mixed $value = null) Assert that
Response route(string $method, string $name, array $routeParameters = array()
$this postJson(string $uri, array $data = array(), array $headers = array())
$this see(string $text, bool $negate = false) Assert that a given string
void assertSessionHasAll(array $bindings) Assert that the session has a
void seed(string $class = 'DatabaseSeeder') Seed a given database connection
int artisan(string $command, array $parameters = array()) Call artisan
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