local.set(node, value) Sets the value of this local on the specified node to the value, and
d3.creator(name) Given the specified element name, returns a function which creates an element of the given name, assuming
selection.dispatch(type[, parameters]) Dispatches a
d3.selectAll(selector) Selects all elements that match the specified selector string. The elements will be selected
selection.enter() Returns the enter selection: placeholder nodes for each datum that had no corresponding DOM element in the
selection.text([value]) If a value is specified, sets the
d3.selection() Selects the root element, document
selection.node() Returns the first (non-null) element in this selection. If the selection is empty, returns null.
selection.remove() Removes the selected elements from the document. Returns this selection (the removed elements) which are
selection.on(typenames[, listener[, capture]]) Adds or removes a listener to each selected element
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