Returns the enter selection: placeholder nodes for each datum that had no corresponding DOM element in the selection. The enter selection is determined by, and is empty on a selection that is not joined to data.
The enter selection is typically used to create “missing” elements corresponding to new data. For example, to create DIV elements from an array of numbers:
1 2 3 4 5 | var div = "body" ) .selectAll( "div" ) .data([4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]) .enter().append( "div" ) .text( function (d) { return d; }); |
If the body is initially empty, the above code will create six new DIV elements, append them to the body in-order, and assign their text content as the associated (string-coerced) number:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | < div >4</ div > < div >8</ div > < div >15</ div > < div >16</ div > < div >23</ div > < div >42</ div > |
Conceptually, the enter selection’s placeholders are pointers to the parent element (in this example, the document body). The enter selection is typically only used transiently to append elements, and is often merged with the update selection after appending, such that modifications can be applied to both entering and updating elements.
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