Bitwise And Binary "&" returns its operands ANDed together bit by bit. Although no warning
Integer Arithmetic By default, Perl assumes that it must do most of its arithmetic in floating point. But by saying
Assignment Operators "=" is the ordinary assignment operator. Assignment
Bitwise String Operators Bitstrings of any size may be manipulated by the bitwise operators (~ | & ^).
Quote-Like Operators q/STRING/ 'STRING'
Named Unary Operators The various named unary operators are treated as functions with one argument, with optional parentheses.
Logical Defined-Or Although it has no direct equivalent in C, Perl's // operator is related
Range Operators Binary ".." is the range operator, which is really two different operators
Bigger Numbers The standard
C-style Logical Or Binary "||" performs a short-circuit logical OR operation. That is, if
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