Conditional Operator

Conditional Operator Ternary "?:" is the conditional operator, just as in C. It works much

2016-12-06 03:18:39
Logical Not

Logical Not Unary "not" returns the logical negation of the expression to its right. It's

2016-12-06 03:21:18
Logical or and Exclusive Or

Logical or and Exclusive Or Binary "or" returns the logical disjunction of the two surrounding

2016-12-06 03:21:19
List Operators (Rightward)

List Operators (Rightward) On the right side of a list operator, the comma has very low precedence, such that it controls all comma-separated

2016-12-06 03:21:09

No-ops Perl doesn't officially have a no-op operator, but the bare constants 0 and

2016-12-06 03:21:47
Regexp Quote-Like Operators

Regexp Quote-Like Operators Here are the quote-like operators that apply to pattern matching and related activities.

2016-12-06 03:26:59
I/O Operators

I/O Operators There are several I/O operators you should know about. A string enclosed by backticks (grave

2016-12-06 03:20:20
Relational Operators

Relational Operators Perl operators that return true or false generally return values that can be safely used as numbers. For example, the

2016-12-06 03:27:00

Exponentiation Binary "**" is the exponentiation operator. It binds even more tightly than

2016-12-06 03:19:30
Quote and Quote-like Operators

Quote and Quote-like Operators While we usually think of quotes as literal values, in Perl they function as operators, providing various kinds

2016-12-06 03:26:53