List Operators (Rightward) On the right side of a list operator, the comma has very low precedence, such that it controls all comma-separated
Logical Not Unary "not" returns the logical negation of the expression to its right. It's
No-ops Perl doesn't officially have a no-op operator, but the bare constants 0 and
I/O Operators There are several I/O operators you should know about. A string enclosed by backticks (grave
Conditional Operator Ternary "?:" is the conditional operator, just as in C. It works much
Logical or and Exclusive Or Binary "or" returns the logical disjunction of the two surrounding
Regexp Quote-Like Operators Here are the quote-like operators that apply to pattern matching and related activities.
Relational Operators Perl operators that return true or false generally return values that can be safely used as numbers. For example, the
Exponentiation Binary "**" is the exponentiation operator. It binds even more tightly than
Shift Operators Binary "<<" returns the value of its left argument shifted left by
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