cordova create

cordova create command Synopsis Create the directory structure for the Cordova project in the specified path. Syntax

2017-01-31 03:40:04
cordova compile

cordova compile command Synopsis cordova compile is a subset of the cordova build

2017-01-31 03:40:03
cordova requirements

cordova requirements command Synopsis Checks and print out all the requirements for platforms specified (or all platforms added to project if none specified). If all

2017-01-31 03:40:07
cordova telemetry

cordova telemetry command Synopsis Turns telemetry collection on or off. Syntax cordova telemetry [STATE]

2017-01-31 03:40:08
cordova prepare

cordova prepare command Synopsis Transforms config.xml metadata to platform-specific manifest files, copies icons & splashscreens, copies plugin files for specified

2017-01-31 03:40:07
cordova plugin

cordova plugin command Synopsis Manage project plugins Syntax cordova {plugin | plugins} [ add

2017-01-31 03:40:06
cordova emulate

cordova emulate command Synopsis Alias for cordova run --emulator. Launches the emulator instead of device. See

2017-01-31 03:40:05
cordova clean

cordova clean command Synopsis Cleans the build artifacts for the specified platform, or all platforms by running platform-specific build cleanup. Syntax

2017-01-31 03:40:03
cordova info

cordova info command Synopsis Print out useful information helpful for submitting bug reports and getting help. Creates an info.txt file at the base of your project

2017-01-31 03:40:05
cordova help

cordova help command Synopsis Show syntax summary, or the help for a specific command. Syntax cordova

2017-01-31 03:40:05