empty : boolean Determines whether or not this Ellipse object is empty. Will return a value of true if the Ellipse objects dimensions
new Ellipse(x, y, width, height)
[readonly] type : number The const type of this object.
bottom : number The sum of the y and height properties. Changing the bottom property of an Ellipse doesn't adjust the y property
height : number The overall height of this ellipse. Source code:
<static> contains(a, x, y) → {boolean} Return true if
copyTo(dest) → {object} Copies the x, y, width and height properties from this Ellipse to any given
random(out) → {Phaser.Point}
top : number The top of the Ellipse. The same as its y property. Gets or sets the top of the ellipse.
toString() → {string} Returns a string representation of this object. Returns
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