VERSION : "2.4.8".freeze

The version of the installed library.

FieldInfo : Struct.new(:index, :line, :header)

A FieldInfo Struct contains details about a field's position in the data source it was read from. CSV will pass this Struct to some blocks that make decisions based on field structure. See CSV.convert_fields() for an example.


The zero-based index of the field in its row.


The line of the data source this row is from.


The header for the column, when available.

DateMatcher : / \A(?: (\w+,?\s+)?\w+\s+\d{1,2},?\s+\d{2,4} | \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} )\z /x

A Regexp used to find and convert some common Date formats.

DateTimeMatcher : / \A(?: (\w+,?\s+)?\w+\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2},?\s+\d{2,4} | \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} )\z /x

A Regexp used to find and convert some common DateTime formats.

ConverterEncoding : Encoding.find("UTF-8")

The encoding used by all converters.

Converters : { integer: lambda { |f| Integer(f.encode(ConverterEncoding)) rescue f }, float: lambda { |f| Float(f.encode(ConverterEncoding)) rescue f }, numeric: [:integer, :float], date: lambda { |f| begin e = f.encode(ConverterEncoding) e =~ DateMatcher ? Date.parse(e) : f rescue # encoding conversion or date parse errors f end }, date_time: lambda { |f| begin e = f.encode(ConverterEncoding) e =~ DateTimeMatcher ? DateTime.parse(e) : f rescue # encoding conversion or date parse errors f end }, all: [:date_time, :numeric] }

This Hash holds the built-in converters of CSV that can be accessed by name. You can select Converters with #convert or through the options Hash passed to ::new.


Converts any field Integer() accepts.


Converts any field Float() accepts.


A combination of :integer and :float.


Converts any field Date.parse accepts.


Converts any field DateTime.parse accepts.


All built-in converters. A combination of :date_time and :numeric.

All built-in converters transcode field data to UTF-8 before attempting a conversion. If your data cannot be transcoded to UTF-8 the conversion will fail and the field will remain unchanged.

This Hash is intentionally left unfrozen and users should feel free to add values to it that can be accessed by all CSV objects.

To add a combo field, the value should be an Array of names. Combo fields can be nested with other combo fields.

HeaderConverters : { downcase: lambda { |h| h.encode(ConverterEncoding).downcase }, symbol: lambda { |h| h.encode(ConverterEncoding).downcase.gsub(/\s+/, "_"). gsub(/\W+/, "").to_sym } }

This Hash holds the built-in header converters of CSV that can be accessed by name. You can select HeaderConverters with #header_convert or through the options Hash passed to ::new.


Calls downcase() on the header String.


The header String is downcased, spaces are replaced with underscores, non-word characters are dropped, and finally to_sym() is called.

All built-in header converters transcode header data to UTF-8 before attempting a conversion. If your data cannot be transcoded to UTF-8 the conversion will fail and the header will remain unchanged.

This Hash is intetionally left unfrozen and users should feel free to add values to it that can be accessed by all CSV objects.

To add a combo field, the value should be an Array of names. Combo fields can be nested with other combo fields.

DEFAULT_OPTIONS : { col_sep: ",", row_sep: :auto, quote_char: '"', field_size_limit: nil, converters: nil, unconverted_fields: nil, headers: false, return_headers: false, header_converters: nil, skip_blanks: false, force_quotes: false, skip_lines: nil }.freeze

The options used when no overrides are given by calling code. They are:

























This class provides a complete interface to CSV files and data. It offers tools to enable you to read and write to and from Strings or IO objects, as needed.


From a File

A Line at a Time

CSV.foreach("path/to/file.csv") do |row|
  # use row here...

All at Once

arr_of_arrs = CSV.read("path/to/file.csv")

From a String

A Line at a Time

CSV.parse("CSV,data,String") do |row|
  # use row here...

All at Once

arr_of_arrs = CSV.parse("CSV,data,String")


To a File

CSV.open("path/to/file.csv", "wb") do |csv|
  csv << ["row", "of", "CSV", "data"]
  csv << ["another", "row"]
  # ...

To a String

csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << ["row", "of", "CSV", "data"]
  csv << ["another", "row"]
  # ...

Convert a Single Line

csv_string = ["CSV", "data"].to_csv   # to CSV
csv_array  = "CSV,String".parse_csv   # from CSV

Shortcut Interface

CSV             { |csv_out| csv_out << %w{my data here} }  # to $stdout
CSV(csv = "")   { |csv_str| csv_str << %w{my data here} }  # to a String
CSV($stderr)    { |csv_err| csv_err << %w{my data here} }  # to $stderr
CSV($stdin)     { |csv_in|  csv_in.each { |row| p row } }  # from $stdin

Advanced Usage

Wrap an IO Object

csv = CSV.new(io, options)
# ... read (with gets() or each()) from and write (with <<) to csv here ...

CSV and Character Encodings (M17n or Multilingualization)

This new CSV parser is m17n savvy. The parser works in the Encoding of the IO or String object being read from or written to. Your data is never transcoded (unless you ask Ruby to transcode it for you) and will literally be parsed in the Encoding it is in. Thus CSV will return Arrays or Rows of Strings in the Encoding of your data. This is accomplished by transcoding the parser itself into your Encoding.

Some transcoding must take place, of course, to accomplish this multiencoding support. For example, :col_sep, :row_sep, and :quote_char must be transcoded to match your data. Hopefully this makes the entire process feel transparent, since CSV's defaults should just magically work for you data. However, you can set these values manually in the target Encoding to avoid the translation.

It's also important to note that while all of CSV's core parser is now Encoding agnostic, some features are not. For example, the built-in converters will try to transcode data to UTF-8 before making conversions. Again, you can provide custom converters that are aware of your Encodings to avoid this translation. It's just too hard for me to support native conversions in all of Ruby's Encodings.

Anyway, the practical side of this is simple: make sure IO and String objects passed into CSV have the proper Encoding set and everything should just work. CSV methods that allow you to open IO objects (CSV::foreach(), ::open, ::read, and ::readlines) do allow you to specify the Encoding.

One minor exception comes when generating CSV into a String with an Encoding that is not ASCII compatible. There's no existing data for CSV to use to prepare itself and thus you will probably need to manually specify the desired Encoding for most of those cases. It will try to guess using the fields in a row of output though, when using ::generate_line or Array#to_csv().

I try to point out any other Encoding issues in the documentation of methods as they come up.

This has been tested to the best of my ability with all non-“dummy” Encodings Ruby ships with. However, it is brave new code and may have some bugs. Please feel free to report any issues you find with it.


header_convert( name )header_convert { |field| ... }header_convert { |field, field_info| ... } Instance

2015-04-01 22:59:08

generate( str, options = Hash.new ) { |csv| ... }generate( options = Hash.new ) { |csv| ... } Class Public

2015-04-01 21:41:14

force_quotes?() Instance Public methods Returns true if all output

2015-04-01 22:46:32

inspect() Instance Public methods Returns a simplified description of the key

2015-04-01 23:09:16

header_row?() Instance Public methods Returns true if the next

2015-04-01 23:04:54
read 2

read() Instance Public methods Slurps the remaining rows and returns an Array

2015-04-01 23:18:06
readlines 2

readlines() Instance Public methods Alias for:

2015-04-01 23:31:35

<<(row) Instance Public methods The primary write method for wrapped Strings

2015-04-01 22:25:58

readline() Instance Public methods Alias for:

2015-04-01 23:24:04

unconverted_fields?() Instance Public methods Returns true if

2015-04-01 23:50:26