TopUp - Javascript Pop Up / Lightbox

TopUp is an easy to use Javascript library for unobtrusively displaying images and webpages in a Web 2.0 approach of popups. The library is jQuery

2014-04-27 03:21:44
flipGallery - a jQuery photo gallery with sleek flipping transitions between thumbnails and lightbox enlargements

flipGallery is a free jQuery powered photo gallery with sleek flipping transitions between thumbnails and lightbox enlargements. Other features

2014-05-01 12:28:32
Stacks - A jQuery plugin for iOS style headers

Stacks is a jQuery plugin to create iOS list-style stacking headers. It recreates the effect from iOS contact lists etc.

2014-08-06 13:40:53
GalleryView - jQuery plugin for creating photo galleries

GalleryView is a jQuery plugin for creating a wide variety of gallery types, including carousels, sliders and slideshows.

2014-04-23 11:47:14
SergeLand Image Zoomer - a jQuery plugin for zooming images

SergeLand Image Zoomer is a jQuery plugin for zooming images with stylish and smooth magnifying glass effects.  

2013-12-19 08:08:22
jQuery URLive - lets you easily create a live preview of a URL

jQuery URLive lets you easily create a live preview of any url base on its Open Graph properties and other details, similar to Facebook's

2014-09-13 07:57:37
Wallpaper - A jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling image and video backgrounds

Wallpaper is a jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling image and video backgrounds.  

2014-05-13 14:00:43
jQuery Upload File - provides multiple file uploads with progress bar

jQuery Upload File plugin provides multiple file uploads with progress bar. Works with any server-side platform (Google App

2014-05-07 16:31:04
Smoothbox - A lightweight, responsive and simple lightbox alternative

Smoothbox is a lightweight, responsive and simple jQuery lightbox plugin.   Smoothbox - 

2014-09-09 15:31:43
OriDomi - Fold up DOM elements like paper

OriDomi is a javascript library for folding up HTML DOM elements.   OriDomi - Features: zero dependencies fully

2014-09-25 14:36:13