Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents plugin

Tocify is a jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap

2014-01-21 08:16:05
TopUp - Javascript Pop Up / Lightbox

TopUp is an easy to use Javascript library for unobtrusively displaying images and webpages in a Web 2.0 approach of popups. The library is jQuery

2014-04-27 03:21:44
Slippry - Responsive slider plugin for jQuery

Slippry is a responsive content slider plugin for jQuery. It is truly responsive, built on modern web standards and is packed with options, so it can

2014-03-30 08:54:54
jQuery Tagit - transforms an html unordered list into a unique tagging plugin

The jQuery Tagit Plugin transforms an html unordered list into a unique tagging plugin. jQuery Tagit uses jQuery UI's auto-complete

2013-12-13 02:30:09
jQuery lightGallery - Responsive & Touch-Friendly jQuery Gallery Lightbox Plugin

jQuery lightGallery is a lightweight jQuery lightbox gallery for displaying image and video.   jQuery lightGallery

2014-09-11 14:17:33
jQuery Transit - Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery

jQuery Transit is a plugin to help you do CSS transformations and transitions in jQuery. The transitions will happen much smoother

2014-09-21 16:08:45
Conveyor-Belt - a simple but well adjustable slideshow carousel jQuery plugin

Conveyor-Belt is a simple but well adjustable slideshow carousel jQuery plugin. There are plenty of configurations available

2013-12-15 12:59:15
Juicy Slider - Responsive and Lightweight Slider/Slideshow Plugin for jQuery

Juicy Slider is a responsive slider/slideshow plugin for jQuery. Unlike other plugins that rely on CSS3 support of browser, this plugin

2014-08-01 07:01:32
SmartMenus jQuery - jQuery menu plugin that supports widest possible variety of browsers

SmartMenus jQuery is a completely new open-source script designed and developed from scratch. It's main goal was to create a script that supports

2014-08-06 14:11:39
AttC - convert html table to Google Charts automatically

AttC( Auto table to chart ) is a jQuery based javascript plugin that converts a standard HTML table to Google visualization

2014-01-03 02:32:55