Ion.Zoom - image lightbox jQuery plugin for small galleries

ion.zoom is an easy image lightbox jQuery plugin for small galleries. Allow to zoom images at place.  

2013-12-19 06:54:30
Smoothproducts - a responsive product image viewer

Smoothproducts is a simple, lightweight and responsive jQuery product image viewer.

2013-12-19 05:08:02
Touch Image Gallery - a simple image gallery that caters to mobile and desktop browsers alike

Touch Image Gallery is a simple image gallery that caters to mobile and desktop browsers alike, by being touch/swipe

2014-04-20 02:08:15
Date Range Picker for Bootstrap

This date range picker component for Bootstrap creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of

2013-12-20 08:48:05
visualNav - A jQuery plugin that modifies a navigation menu to highlight

visualNav is a jQuery plugin that modifies a navigation menu to highlight / change when the menu's target smooth scrolls into view.

2014-04-22 10:54:31
Wordcount.js - Calculate file newlines, word, and byte counts on client side using HTML5 File API

WordCount.js is a client-side JS and Node.js library that counts bytes, words, lines, chars, and calculates the longest line of a

2014-01-29 07:51:17
Flexisel - A Responsive Carousel jQuery Plugin

Flexisel is the responsive image carousel with options specifically available for adapting the carousel for mobile and tablet devices

2014-01-22 02:17:56
jQuery.balloon - add balloon tips to elements

jQuery.balloon is a jQuery plugin to add balloon tips to elements. It's user-friendly, fine-tunable and without css and images

2014-01-23 03:06:10
Slidebars - a jQuery plugin for implementing app-style revealing menus and sidebars into your website

Slidebars is a jQuery plugin for quickly and easily implementing app-style revealing menus and sidebars into your website. 

2014-02-16 01:26:42
SlickQuiz - A jQuery plugin for creating pretty, dynamic quizzes

SlickQuiz is a jQuery plugin for creating pretty, dynamic quizzes. There are many options available. You can chnage the

2014-01-28 07:08:00