dynatree - a dynamic tree view plugin for jQuery

Dynatree is a JavaScript dynamic tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy

2014-01-22 06:10:47
neatShow.js - A jQuery plugin to fade in images

neatShow.js is a jQuery plugin to fade in images beautifully on your website. When neatShow is applied to an image, it will

2014-09-22 15:30:34
jQuery Grid 'Em - apply horizontal spacing on a list of items

jQuery Grid 'Em is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to evenly apply horizontal spacing on a list of items across multiple rows

2014-02-06 01:23:03
Masked Input Plugin - allows a user to more easily enter fixed input data in a certain format

Masked Input Plugin is a masked input plugin for the jQuery javascript library.  It allows a user to more easily

2013-12-12 13:50:09
jQuery PrettyCheckable - replaces the default checkboxes and radio inputs for better looking ones

jQuery PrettyCheckable replaces the default checkboxes and radio inputs for better looking ones.  

2013-12-13 02:42:12
jQuery WebTicker - A jQuery web ticker

jQuery WebTicker is a jQuery plugin to provide a website ticker effect - to create a seamless scrolling list of

2014-08-27 16:05:30
Zino UI - Javascript/HTML5 user interface framework built on top of jQuery

Zino UI is jQuery based, WAI-ARIA compatible, user interface framework consist of 25+ different components. Cross-platform user interface framework for

2014-04-27 09:07:31
jQuery Flip Plugin - Flipboard like effect for jQuery and jQuery mobile

jQuery Flip Plugin is a jQuery/jQuery mobile plugin to give Flipboard app like effect. Flip effect uses css 3d transform. Flip effect

2014-09-15 16:23:30
jQCloud - beautiful word clouds with jQuery

jQCloud is a jQuery plugin that builds neat and pure HTML + CSS word clouds and tag clouds that are actually shaped like a cloud.

2014-08-18 11:15:54
jQuery Mapael - Build dynamic vector maps

jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps. For example, with

2014-01-24 08:24:08