React.Component class Component This is the
Supported Elements React attempts to support all common elements in both HTML and SVG. Any lower case tag in JSX
The most basic thing you can do with a UI is display some data. React makes it easy to display data and automatically keeps the interface up-to-date when the data changes.
React.DOM React.DOM provides convenience wrappers around React.createElement for DOM components. These should only
React.isValidElement boolean isValidElement(* object) Verifies
displayName string displayName The displayName
ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode boolean unmountComponentAtNode(DOMElement container)
isMounted boolean isMounted() isMounted()
This isn't really a React-specific tip, as such anti-patterns often occur in code in general; in this case, React simply points them out more clearly.
Trying to compare and contrast React with WebComponents inevitably results in specious conclusions, because the two libraries are built to solve different problems. WebComponents
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