if-else statements don't work inside JSX. This is because JSX is just syntactic sugar for function calls and object construction. Take this basic example:
For parent-child communication, simply pass props. For child-parent
There's another (uncommon) way of communicating between components: simply expose a method
Specifying the value prop on a controlled component prevents the user from changing the input unless
Improper use of the innerHTML can open you up to a cross-site scripting
In React, inline styles are not specified as a string. Instead they are specified with an object whose key is the camelCased version of the style name, and whose value is the
This isn't really a React-specific tip, as such anti-patterns often occur in code in general; in this case, React simply points them out more clearly.
Here's how false renders in different situations: Renders as id="false":
You can't access the children of your component through this.props.children. this.props.children designates the children being passed onto
Currently, in a component's render, you can only return one node; if you have, say, a list of divs to return, you must wrap your components within
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