Attribute type checking The first step to type checking attributes is to determine the element attributes type. This is slightly different
Global-modifying Modules A global-modifying module alters existing values in the global scope when they are imported. For
Identifying Kinds of Libraries First, we’ll review the kinds of libraries TypeScript declaration files can represent. We’ll briefly show how
Typing the function Let’s add types to our simple examples from earlier: function
String Literal Types String literal types allow you to specify the exact value a string must have. In practice string literal types combine
Weeding out Errors Like we mentioned, it’s not unexpected to get error messages after conversion. The important thing is to actually go one
Add TypeScript code Right click on src and click New Item. Then choose TypeScript File and name
Modular Libraries Some libraries only work in a module loader environment. For example, because express only works in Node.js and
React integration To use JSX with React you should use the
Variable capturing quirks Take a quick second to guess what the output of the following snippet is:
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