close() Indicate that no more data will be put on this queue by the current process. The background thread will quit once it
Event() Create a shared
acquire(blocking=True, timeout=None) Acquire a semaphore. When invoked without arguments: if
lock.acquire(waitflag=1, timeout=-1) Without any optional argument, this method acquires the lock unconditionally, if necessary
exception subprocess.TimeoutExpired Subclass of SubprocessError, raised when a timeout expires while waiting for
wait(timeout=None) Pass the barrier. When all the threads party to the barrier have called this function, they are all released
_thread.get_ident() Return the ‘thread identifier’ of the current thread. This is a nonzero integer. Its value has no direct
class multiprocessing.Barrier(parties[, action[, timeout]]) A barrier object: a clone of
join() Block until all items in the queue have been gotten and processed. The count of unfinished
connect() Connect a local manager object to a remote manager process:
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