class datetime.timezone(offset[, name]) The offset argument must be specified as a timedelta object representing
yeardays2calendar(year, width=3) Return the data for the specified year ready for formatting (similar to yeardatescalendar())
timezone.tzname(dt) Return the fixed value specified when the timezone instance is constructed or a string ‘UTCsHH:MM’
exception weakref.ReferenceError Exception raised when a proxy object is used but the underlying object has been collected.
Repr.maxother This limit is used to control the size of object types for which no specific formatting method is available on
class datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=None) The year, month and day arguments
datetime.time() Return time object with same hour, minute, second and microsecond. tzinfo is None
date.max The latest representable date, date(MAXYEAR, 12, 31).
collections.namedtuple(typename, field_names, verbose=False, rename=False) Returns a new tuple subclass named typename
monthdays2calendar(year, month) Return a list of the weeks in the month month of the year as full weeks. Weeks
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