formatyearpage(theyear, width=3, css='calendar.css', encoding=None) Return a year’s calendar as a complete HTML page. width
class collections.UserString([sequence]) Class that simulates a string or a Unicode string object. The instance’s content is
time.min The earliest representable time, time(0, 0, 0, 0).
class class class
formatmonth(theyear, themonth, withyear=True) Return a month’s calendar as an HTML table. If withyear is true the year
data A real dictionary used to store the contents of the UserDict class.
enum.unique() Enum class decorator that ensures only one name is bound to any one value.
class ABC for classes that provide __aiter__ and __anext__ methods.
default_factory This attribute is used by the __missing__() method; it is initialized from the first argument to
class weakref.WeakValueDictionary([dict]) Mapping class that references values weakly. Entries in the dictionary will be discarded
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