os.path.getatime(path) Return the time of last access of path. The return value is a number giving the number of seconds
stat.S_IMODE(mode) Return the portion of the file’s mode that can be set by
Path.is_socket() Return True if the path points to a Unix socket (or a symbolic link pointing to a Unix socket)
shutil.make_archive(base_name, format[, root_dir[, base_dir[, verbose[, dry_run[, owner[, group[, logger]]]]]]]) Create an archive
left_only Files and subdirectories only in a.
os.path.commonprefix(list) Return the longest path prefix (taken character-by-character) that is a prefix of all paths in list
Path.is_symlink() Return True if the path points to a symbolic link, False otherwise.
Path.exists() Whether the path points to an existing file or directory:
shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) Delete an entire directory tree; path must point to a directory
shutil.copy2(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) Identical to copy() except that copy2() also attempts
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