class csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames, restval='', extrasaction='raise', dialect='excel', *args, **kwds) Create an object
class csv.Sniffer The Sniffer class is used to deduce the format of a CSV file. The
Unpacker.unpack_float() Unpacks a single-precision floating point number.
Unpacker.unpack_farray(n, unpack_item) Unpacks and returns (as a list) a fixed length array of homogeneous items. n
csv.get_dialect(name) Return the dialect associated with name. An Error is raised if name is
exception configparser.ParsingError Exception raised when errors occur attempting to parse a file.
Unpacker.unpack_array(unpack_item) Unpacks and returns a variable length list of homogeneous items. First, the length
class csv.excel The excel class defines the usual properties of an Excel-generated CSV file. It is registered with
csvreader.dialect A read-only description of the dialect in use by the parser.
exception configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError Exception raised when attempting to parse a file which has no section headers
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