Unpacker.unpack_array(unpack_item) Unpacks and returns a variable length list of homogeneous items. First, the length
class configparser.BasicInterpolation The default implementation used by ConfigParser. It enables values to contain
exception configparser.InterpolationError Base class for exceptions raised when problems occur performing string interpolation
exception configparser.InterpolationDepthError Exception raised when string interpolation cannot be completed because the number
exception configparser.DuplicateOptionError Exception raised by strict parsers if a single option appears twice during reading
exception configparser.InterpolationMissingOptionError Exception raised when an option referenced from a value does not exist
csv.list_dialects() Return the names of all registered dialects.
plistlib.dump(value, fp, *, fmt=FMT_XML, sort_keys=True, skipkeys=False) Write value to a plist file. Fp should
Packer.pack_fstring(n, s) Packs a fixed length string, s. n is the length of the string but it is not
netrc.macros Dictionary mapping macro names to string lists.
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