netrc.hosts Dictionary mapping host names to (login, account, password) tuples. The ‘default’ entry, if any, is
configparser.optionxform(option) This method transforms option names on every read, get, or set operation. The default converts
Dialect.skipinitialspace When
get(section, option, *, raw=False, vars=None[, fallback]) Get an option value for the named section. If vars
csv.unregister_dialect(name) Delete the dialect associated with name from the dialect registry. An Error
exception configparser.NoOptionError Exception raised when a specified option is not found in the specified section.
set(section, option, value) If the given section exists, set the given option to the specified value; otherwise raise
Packer.pack_array(list, pack_item) Packs a variable length list of homogeneous items. First, the length of the list
DictWriter.writeheader() Write a row with the field names (as specified in the constructor).
Packer.pack_list(list, pack_item) Packs a list of homogeneous items. This method is useful for lists with an indeterminate
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