turtle.penup() turtle.pu() turtle.up() Pull the pen up – no drawing
turtle.up() Pull the pen up – no drawing when moving.
turtle.onkey(fun, key) turtle.onkeyrelease(fun, key)
turtle.getturtle() turtle.getpen() Return the Turtle object itself. Only reasonable use: as a function to return
turtle.screensize(canvwidth=None, canvheight=None, bg=None)
Cmd.identchars The string of characters accepted for the command prefix.
turtle.clear() Delete the turtle’s drawings from the screen. Do not move turtle. State and position of the turtle as well as
shlex.eof Token used to determine end of file. This will be set to the empty string (''), in non-POSIX mode, and
turtle.filling() Return fillstate (True if filling, False else).
class turtle.Turtle Subclass of RawTurtle, has the same interface but draws on a default Screen object created
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