turtle.begin_fill() To be called just before drawing a shape to be filled.
turtle.getshapes() Return a list of names of all currently available turtle shapes.
class shlex.shlex(instream=None, infile=None, posix=False) A shlex instance or subclass instance is a lexical analyzer
turtle.goto(x, y=None) turtle.setpos(x, y=None) turtle.setposition(x, y=None)
turtle.xcor() Return the turtle’s x coordinate. >>>
shlex.infile The name of the current input file, as initially set at class instantiation time or stacked by later source requests
turtle.back(distance) turtle.bk(distance) turtle.backward(distance)
Cmd.ruler The character used to draw separator lines under the help-message headers. If empty, no ruler line is drawn. It defaults
turtle.towards(x, y=None)
turtle.ycor() Return the turtle’s y coordinate. >>>
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