get_lineno() Return the number of the first line in the block this table represents.
exception py_compile.PyCompileError Exception raised when an error occurs while attempting to compile the file.
exception tabnanny.NannyNag Raised by tokeneater() if detecting an ambiguous indent. Captured and handled in check() The name of the function.
first_line The first source line of the code object (if available)
is_nested() Return True if the block is a nested class or function.
is_local() Return True if the symbol is local to its block.
lookup(name) Lookup name in the table and return a Symbol instance.
col_offset Instances of ast.expr and ast.stmt subclasses have lineno and col_offset
ST.tolist(line_info=False, col_info=False) Same as st2list(st, line_info, col_info).
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