Class.super A list of Class objects which describe the immediate base classes of the class being described. Classes
is_free() Return True if the symbol is referenced in its block, but not assigned to.
dis.hasjabs Sequence of bytecodes that have an absolute jump target.
ST.compile(filename='') Same as compilest(st, filename).
visit(node) Visit a node. The default implementation calls the method called self.visit_classname where
tokenize.untokenize(iterable) Converts tokens back into Python source code. The iterable must return sequences with
ast.copy_location(new_node, old_node) Copy source location (lineno and col_offset) from old_node
is_imported() Return True if the symbol is created from an import statement.
parser.st2list(st, line_info=False, col_info=False) This function accepts an ST object from the caller in st and returns
ast.iter_fields(node) Yield a tuple of (fieldname, value) for each field in node._fields that is present
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