token.ISEOF(x) Return true if x is the marker indicating the end of input.
is_optimized() Return True if the locals in this table can be optimized. The name of the class.
dis.disassemble(code, lasti=-1, *, file=None) dis.disco(code, lasti=-1, *, file=None) Disassemble a code object
get_methods() Return a tuple containing the names of methods declared in the class.
compileall.compile_dir(dir, maxlevels=10, ddir=None, force=False, rx=None, quiet=0, legacy=False, optimize=-1, workers=1) Recursively
py_compile.compile(file, cfile=None, dfile=None, doraise=False, optimize=-1) Compile a source file to byte-code and write out
dis.hasfree Sequence of bytecodes that access a free variable (note that ‘free’ in this context refers to names in the current
tabnanny.filename_only Flag indicating whether to print only the filenames of files containing whitespace related problems.
token.ISNONTERMINAL(x) Return true for non-terminal token values.
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