Logger.info(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level INFO on this logger. The arguments are interpreted
Logger.removeFilter(filt) Removes the specified filter filt from this logger.
class logging.Formatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%') Returns a new instance of the Formatter class. The instance
stop() Stops the listener. This asks the thread to terminate, and then waits for it to do so
setTarget(target) Sets the target handler for this handler.
send(packet) Send a pickled string packet to the socket. This function allows for partial sends which can happen when
Logger.getChild(suffix) Returns a logger which is a descendant to this logger, as determined by the suffix. Thus, logging
emit(record) Formats the record and sends it to the specified addressees.
logging.basicConfig(**kwargs) Does basic configuration for the logging system by creating a
logging.info(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level INFO on the root logger. The arguments are interpreted
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