logging.addLevelName(lvl, levelName) Associates level lvl with text levelName in an internal dictionary, which
Handler.filter(record) Applies this handler’s filters to the record and returns a true value if the record is to be processed
getEventType(record) Returns the event type for the record. Override this if you want to specify your own types. This version
class logging.handlers.DatagramHandler(host, port) Returns a new instance of the DatagramHandler class intended
process(msg, kwargs) Modifies the message and/or keyword arguments passed to a logging call in order to insert contextual information
emit() Pickles the record’s attribute dictionary and writes it to the socket in binary format. If there is an error with the
Handler.setFormatter(form) Sets the Formatter for this handler to form.
Logger.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level DEBUG on this logger. The msg is the message
Handler.format(record) Do formatting for a record - if a formatter is set, use it. Otherwise, use the default formatter for
makePickle(record) Pickles the record’s attribute dictionary in binary format with a length prefix, and returns it ready for
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