shouldFlush(record) Checks for buffer full or a record at the flushLevel or higher.
logging.config.listen(port=DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG_PORT, verify=None) Starts up a socket server on the specified port, and listens
Logger.log(lvl, msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with integer level lvl on this logger. The other arguments are
class logging.handlers.BufferingHandler(capacity) Initializes the handler with a buffer of the specified capacity.
makeSocket() This is a factory method which allows subclasses to define the precise type of socket they want. The default implementation
makeSocket() The factory method of SocketHandler is here overridden to create a UDP socket (
getSubject(record) If you want to specify a subject line which is record-dependent, override this method.
close() Closes the socket.
formatException(exc_info) Formats the specified exception information (a standard exception tuple as returned by
logging.critical(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level CRITICAL on the root logger. The arguments are
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