

Sets the threshold for this logger to lvl. Logging messages which are less severe than lvl will be ignored. When a logger is created, the level is set to NOTSET (which causes all messages to be processed when the logger is the root logger, or delegation to the parent when the logger is a non-root logger). Note that the root logger is created with level WARNING.

The term ‘delegation to the parent’ means that if a logger has a level of NOTSET, its chain of ancestor loggers is traversed until either an ancestor with a level other than NOTSET is found, or the root is reached.

If an ancestor is found with a level other than NOTSET, then that ancestor’s level is treated as the effective level of the logger where the ancestor search began, and is used to determine how a logging event is handled.

If the root is reached, and it has a level of NOTSET, then all messages will be processed. Otherwise, the root’s level will be used as the effective level.

See Logging Levels for a list of levels.

Changed in version 3.2: The lvl parameter now accepts a string representation of the level such as ‘INFO’ as an alternative to the integer constants such as INFO. Note, however, that levels are internally stored as integers, and methods such as e.g. getEffectiveLevel() and isEnabledFor() will return/expect to be passed integers.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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