XMLReader.getErrorHandler() Return the current
class xml.sax.handler.EntityResolver Basic interface for resolving entities. If you create an object implementing this interface
xmlparser.DefaultHandler(data) Called for any characters in the XML document for which no applicable handler has been specified
xmlparser.CurrentByteIndex Current byte index in the parser input.
xmlparser.ElementDeclHandler(name, model) Called once for each element type declaration. name is the name of the element
exception xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException(msg, exception=None) Subclass of SAXException raised when a SAX
xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstringlist(sequence, parser=None) Parses an XML document from a sequence of string fragments. sequence
NamedNodeMap.item(index) Return an attribute with a particular index. The order you get the attributes in is arbitrary but will
xml.sax.handler.property_lexical_handler value: "http://xml.org/sax/propertie
xmlparser.CurrentLineNumber Current line number in the parser input.
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