html.entities.codepoint2name A dictionary that maps Unicode code points to HTML entity names.
Attr.localName The part of the name following the colon if there is one, else the entire name. This is a read-only attribute A dictionary mapping numeric error codes to their string descriptions.
Document.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) Create and return an attribute node with a namespace. The tagName
HTMLParser.handle_data(data) This method is called to process arbitrary data (e.g. text nodes and the content of <script>
exception xml.dom.InvalidCharacterErr This exception is raised when a string parameter contains a character that is not permitted
InputSource.setPublicId(id) Sets the public identifier of this InputSource.
xml.parsers.expat.ErrorString(errno) Returns an explanatory string for a given error number errno.
xml.sax.handler.feature_validation value: ""
DOMImplementation.createDocument(namespaceUri, qualifiedName, doctype) Return a new Document object (the root of
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