XMLReader.setLocale(locale) Allow an application to set the locale for errors and warnings. SAX
InputSource.getSystemId() Returns the system identifier of this InputSource.
xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename_or_file, parser=None, bufsize=None) Return a Document from the given input.
HTMLParser.getpos() Return current line number and offset.
extend(subelements) Appends subelements from a sequence object with zero or more elements. Raises
DocumentType.entities This is a NamedNodeMap giving the definitions of external entities. For entity names defined
xml.sax.parse(filename_or_stream, handler, error_handler=handler.ErrorHandler()) Create a SAX parser and use it to parse a document
Node.localName The part of the tagName following the colon if there is one, else the entire tagName
class xml.sax.saxutils.XMLFilterBase(base) This class is designed to sit between an
Document.createComment(data) Create and return a comment node containing the data passed as a parameter. As with the other creation
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