

skimage.restoration.denoise_tv_chambolle(im, weight=0.1, eps=0.0002, n_iter_max=200, multichannel=False) [source]

Perform total-variation denoising on n-dimensional images.


im : ndarray of ints, uints or floats

Input data to be denoised. im can be of any numeric type, but it is cast into an ndarray of floats for the computation of the denoised image.

weight : float, optional

Denoising weight. The greater weight, the more denoising (at the expense of fidelity to input).

eps : float, optional

Relative difference of the value of the cost function that determines the stop criterion. The algorithm stops when:

(E_(n-1) - E_n) < eps * E_0

n_iter_max : int, optional

Maximal number of iterations used for the optimization.

multichannel : bool, optional

Apply total-variation denoising separately for each channel. This option should be true for color images, otherwise the denoising is also applied in the channels dimension.


out : ndarray

Denoised image.


Make sure to set the multichannel parameter appropriately for color images.

The principle of total variation denoising is explained in

The principle of total variation denoising is to minimize the total variation of the image, which can be roughly described as the integral of the norm of the image gradient. Total variation denoising tends to produce “cartoon-like” images, that is, piecewise-constant images.

This code is an implementation of the algorithm of Rudin, Fatemi and Osher that was proposed by Chambolle in [R332].


[R332] (1, 2) A. Chambolle, An algorithm for total variation minimization and applications, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Springer, 2004, 20, 89-97.


2D example on astronaut image:

>>> from skimage import color, data
>>> img = color.rgb2gray(data.astronaut())[:50, :50]
>>> img += 0.5 * img.std() * np.random.randn(*img.shape)
>>> denoised_img = denoise_tv_chambolle(img, weight=60)

3D example on synthetic data:

>>> x, y, z = np.ogrid[0:20, 0:20, 0:20]
>>> mask = (x - 22)**2 + (y - 20)**2 + (z - 17)**2 < 8**2
>>> mask = mask.astype(np.float)
>>> mask += 0.2*np.random.randn(*mask.shape)
>>> res = denoise_tv_chambolle(mask, weight=100)
2017-01-12 17:20:46
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