set_unusable_password() Marks the user as having no password set. This isn’t the same as having a blank string for a password
class AllowAllUsersRemoteUserBackend New in Django 1.10.
ModelAdmin.save_related(request, form, formsets, change) [source] The save_related
get_group_permissions(obj=None) Returns a set of permission strings that the user has, through their groups.
class BaseGenericInlineFormSet
InlineModelAdmin.fk_name The name of the foreign key on the model. In most cases this will be dealt with automatically, but
views.serve(request, path) This view function serves static files in development.
get_success_message(cleaned_data) cleaned_data is the cleaned data from the form which is used for string formatting
i18n Optional. A boolean attribute that defines if the URLs of this sitemap
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