LogEntry.object_repr The object`s repr() after the modification.
date_joined A datetime designating when the account was created. Is set to the current date/time by default when the account
content_type Required. A reference to the django_content_type database table, which contains a record for each
InlineModelAdmin.model The model which the inline is using. This is required.
class validators.UnicodeUsernameValidator New in Django 1.10.
ModelAdmin.preserve_filters The admin now preserves filters on the list view after creating, editing or deleting an object.
groups Many-to-many relationship to Group
class views.Feed This example illustrates all possible attributes and methods for a Feed class:
ModelAdmin.exclude This attribute, if given, should be a list of field names to exclude from the form. For
ModelAdmin.has_module_permission(request) Should return True if displaying the module on the admin index page and
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