
class ModelBackend

This is the default authentication backend used by Django. It authenticates using credentials consisting of a user identifier and password. For Django’s default user model, the user identifier is the username, for custom user models it is the field specified by USERNAME_FIELD (see Customizing Users and authentication).

It also handles the default permissions model as defined for User and PermissionsMixin.

has_perm(), get_all_permissions(), get_user_permissions(), and get_group_permissions() allow an object to be passed as a parameter for object-specific permissions, but this backend does not implement them other than returning an empty set of permissions if obj is not None.

authenticate(username=None, password=None, **kwargs)

Tries to authenticate username with password by calling User.check_password. If no username is provided, it tries to fetch a username from kwargs using the key CustomUser.USERNAME_FIELD. Returns an authenticated user or None.

get_user_permissions(user_obj, obj=None)

Returns the set of permission strings the user_obj has from their own user permissions. Returns an empty set if is_anonymous or is_active is False.

get_group_permissions(user_obj, obj=None)

Returns the set of permission strings the user_obj has from the permissions of the groups they belong. Returns an empty set if is_anonymous or is_active is False.

get_all_permissions(user_obj, obj=None)

Returns the set of permission strings the user_obj has, including both user permissions and group permissions. Returns an empty set if is_anonymous or is_active is False.

has_perm(user_obj, perm, obj=None)

Uses get_all_permissions() to check if user_obj has the permission string perm. Returns False if the user is not is_active.

has_module_perms(self, user_obj, app_label)

Returns whether the user_obj has any permissions on the app app_label.

New in Django 1.10.

Returns whether the user is allowed to authenticate. To match the behavior of AuthenticationForm which prohibits inactive users from logging in, this method returns False for users with is_active=False. Custom user models that don’t have an is_active field are allowed.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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