

A string describing the name of the field on the User model that is used as the unique identifier. This will usually be a username of some kind, but it can also be an email address, or any other unique identifier. The field must be unique (i.e., have unique=True set in its definition), unless you use a custom authentication backend that can support non-unique usernames.

In the following example, the field identifier is used as the identifying field:

class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser):
    identifier = models.CharField(max_length=40, unique=True)
    USERNAME_FIELD = 'identifier'

USERNAME_FIELD now supports ForeignKeys. Since there is no way to pass model instances during the createsuperuser prompt, expect the user to enter the value of to_field value (the primary_key by default) of an existing instance.

2016-10-09 18:34:19
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