class backends.db.SessionStore Implements database-backed session store.
django.core.cache.utils.make_template_fragment_key(fragment_name, vary_on=None) If you want to obtain the cache key used for
class NumericPasswordValidator [source] Validates whether the password is not entirely numeric
raise_exception If this attribute is set to True, a PermissionDenied exception will be raised instead
clean_savepoints(using=None) [source] Resets the counter used to generate unique savepoint
savepoint_rollback(sid, using=None) [source] Rolls back the transaction to savepoint sid
get_rollback(using=None) [source]
TransactionTestCase.reset_sequences Setting reset_sequences = True on a TransactionTestCase will make
get_expiry_date() Returns the date this session will expire. For sessions with no custom expiration (or those set to expire
Django ships with a variety of extra, optional tools that solve common problems (contrib.*). For easier maintenance and to trim the size of the codebase, a few
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