  • References/Python/Django/Guides

delete_test_cookie() Deletes the test cookie. Use this to clean up after yourself.

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  • References/Python/Django/Guides

class RequireDebugTrue [source] This filter is similar to RequireDebugFalse

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  • References/Python/Django/Guides

class EmailMessage [source] The EmailMessage class is initialized with the following

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  • References/Python/Django/Guides

DiscoverRunner.setup_databases(**kwargs) Creates the test databases. Returns a data structure

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  • References/Python/Django/Guides

update_session_auth_hash(request, user) [source] This function takes the current request

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Internationalization and localization
  • References/Python/Django/Guides

Overview The goal of internationalization and localization is to allow a single Web application to offer its content in languages and formats

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  • References/Python/Django/Guides

BaseFormSet.can_delete Default: False Lets you create a formset with the ability

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  • References/Python/Django/Guides

class TestCase [source] This is the most common class to use for writing tests in Django

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External packages
  • References/Python/Django/Guides

Django ships with a variety of extra, optional tools that solve common problems (contrib.*). For easier maintenance and to trim the size of the codebase, a few

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  • References/Python/Django/Guides

has_module_perms(package_name) Returns True if the user has any permissions in the given package (the Django app

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