ModelAdmin.get_search_fields(request) [source] The get_search_fields method
ModelAdmin.delete_selected_confirmation_template Path to a custom template, used by the delete_selected action
ModelAdmin.formfield_for_manytomany(db_field, request, **kwargs) Like the formfield_for_foreignkey method, the
InlineModelAdmin.verbose_name An override to the verbose_name found in the model’s inner Meta class
ModelAdmin.get_queryset(request) The get_queryset method on a ModelAdmin returns a
ModelAdmin.save_model(request, obj, form, change) [source] The save_model method
AdminSite.site_url The URL for the “View site” link at the top of each admin page. By default, site_url is /
ModelAdmin.change_view(request, object_id, form_url='', extra_context=None) [source] Django
ModelAdmin.date_hierarchy Set date_hierarchy to the name of a DateField or DateTimeField
staff_member_required(redirect_field_name='next', login_url='admin:login') [source] This
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